We ensure the receipt, management, analysis, and handling of reports, including anonymous ones, in compliance with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and the corresponding implementing legislation, Legislative Decree 24/2023.
The term "Whistleblower" refers to the individual who reports violations, irregularities, or misconduct harming public and corporate interests to authorized bodies. Specifically, the violations that can be reported under Legislative Decree 24/2023, the so-called "Whistleblowing Decree," must involve behaviors, actions, or omissions that harm public interest or the company's integrity, of which the reporter became aware in the work context, pursuant to Article 3, para. 2, letter a):
Violations of EU law (e.g., transportation safety; environmental protection; consumer protection; safeguarding privacy and personal data, network and information system security, etc.).
Reporting (known as "Whistleblowing") in this context is an act of civic duty through which the Whistleblower contributes to identifying and preventing risks and detrimental situations.
The primary purpose of Whistleblowing is to prevent or address a problem internally and promptly. Maximum confidentiality is ensured regarding the individuals and facts reported, as well as the identity of the reporters, to protect them from any form of retaliation.
Reports can be submitted through a dedicated platform - suitable for ensuring the confidentiality of the reporter's identity - available at the following link:
This channel is considered preferable and suitable for ensuring the confidentiality of the reporter's identity through IT means.
Reports will be handled by Società Soluzioni srl-Società Benefit, which provides personnel and professionals with autonomy and specific training in managing reports.
Additionally, reports can be made through the following channels:
By calling +39 320.5311894
By submitting a report or requesting an appointment at the company's headquarters at 1° Maggio 50, Ancona (AN), Italy.
While the use of the provided reporting channels is preferred, in cases explicitly indicated under Article 6 of Legislative Decree 24 of March 10, 2023, reports can also be made to the competent authority (ANAC).
For more information, including what can be reported, please refer to the Whistleblowing Procedure:
The information and personal data communicated within the reports are processed to manage and follow up on the reports themselves, investigate any reported behaviors, and take necessary measures in compliance with applicable laws, including data protection regulations. For more information on the methods and purposes of processing personal data included in reports and collected during the procedure, please refer to the Privacy Information for Whistleblowers: