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Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates
Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates
Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates
Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates
Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates
Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates
Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates
Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates
Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates
Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates

Straight router bits with indexable knives for laminates


Straight router bits with a replaceable knife fixed by a Torx screw. The top knife features a 3° sharpened angle for plunge and high precision cuts. Equipped with top bearing for template use.

For finishing, routing and grooving in board materials (laminated chipboards, MDF) and hardwood.

For use on portable routers.

Safety Tips:

The TW-006 Torque Screwdriver is recommended for the proper fastening of screws.

Item Code D I L S Z MAT RH-LH 791.025.00 Indexable knife Stop collar Indexable knife Torx screw VITE TBTI TORX T15 M4x6x8.2 D9 Torx Key Stop collar Bearing 791.025.00 Hex key
656.160.11 16 35 80 8 2 HW RH 791.025.00 790.283.12 990.076.00 991.061.00 541.004.00 991.056.00
656.190.11 19 28.4 69 8 2 HW RH 790.283.12 990.075.00 991.061.00 541.004.00 791.034.00 991.056.00
656.691.11 19 28.4 79.5 12.7 2 HW RH 790.283.12 541.002.00 990.075.00 991.061.00 791.011.00 991.056.00
656.692.11 19 48.4 100 12 2 HW RH 541.002.00 790.483.12 990.075.00 991.061.00 791.011.00 991.056.00
656.693.11 19 48.4 100 12.7 2 HW RH 541.002.00 790.483.12 990.075.00 991.061.00 791.011.00 991.056.00