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Slot cutter sets
Slot cutter sets
Slot cutter sets
Slot cutter sets

Slot cutter sets


Create slots, grooves and rabbets easily with these CMT slot cutters sets. Ideal for biscuit joints and milling perfect tongue-and-groove joints, these sets include 4 bearings allowing different cutting depths: 7,95mm (5/16”), 9,55mm (3/8”), 12,7mm (1/2”) and 14,3mm (9/16”). Please refer to the drawings for some application examples and the correct cutter combinations.

Safety tips: never use these slot cutters set without shims between the cutters. The distance between the cutters can vary from 1mm (3/64”) to 1,7mm (1/16”). A shim must also be positioned between the ball bearings and the cutters.


For US Market ( 823.001.11)

Item Code Description S Allen key 3mm Bearing 791.005.00 791.033.00 Slot cutter - 3 cutting edges Slot cutter - 3 cutting edges Slot cutter - 3 cutting edges fresa in metallo duro Slot cutter - 3 cutting edges
823.001.11 Slot cutter set with chucks 12.7 991.067.00 791.030.00 791.005.00 791.033.00 822.316.11 823.340.11 822.348.11
923.001.11 Slot cutter set with chucks 8 991.067.00 791.030.00 791.005.00 791.033.00 822.360.11 822.320.11 823.340.11