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3 piece divided light door sets
3 piece divided light door sets
3 piece divided light door sets
3 piece divided light door sets
3 piece divided light door sets
3 piece divided light door sets
3 piece divided light door sets
3 piece divided light door sets
3 piece divided light door sets
3 piece divided light door sets

3 piece divided light door sets


Build authentic divided light doors for fine furniture and cabinets with these 3 piece sets. They include a stuck bit to cut the decorative ovolo profile on the frame edges, a cope to shape the mating profile on the ends of the stock, and a rabbeting bit to cut the recess for the glass. Thanks to the guide bearings, you can also create arched on curved frames. The unique design of the cope bit allows you to use full-length tenons to create strong, authentic mortise-and-tenon joinery. As the stock is coped, the tenon passes over the bit. These sets are designed for 22,2mm (7/8") wide bars such as those on corner cupboard door. Available in 8mm (5/16") and 12,7mm (1/2)" shanks. Instructions included.
Item Code Description S
800.525.11 3-piece divided light door set 12.7
900.025.11 3-piece divided light door set 8