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Slot cutters
Slot cutters
Slot cutters
Slot cutters
Slot cutters
Slot cutters

Slot cutters


The possible uses of this bit are almost: you can rout grooves and rabbets, T or dovetail joints on wood panels. Each bit has three carbide tipped cutters and has an orange colored PTFE coating, it features anti-kickback design too. The 22mm (7/8") bearing is included for a cutting depth of 12,8mm (1/2"). The bit and the slot cutter are available also separately.
NOTE: This cutter comes with a Ø22mm bearing for 
2.8mm depth cuts. By ordering different bearings 
this depth can be shortened.
Item Code I P D H L S Stop collar Stop collar 791.012.00 791.013.00 fresa in metallo duro TSPEI screw
823.332.11B 1.27 47.63 12.7 57.5 12.7 541.002.00 791.013.00 990.055.00
823.340.11B 2.1 47.63 12.7 58.3 12.7 541.002.00 791.013.00 823.340.11 990.055.00
823.364.11B 4.45 47.63 12.7 61 12.7 541.002.00 791.013.00 990.055.00
923.330.11A 3 1.27 47.63 12.8 58 8 541.004.00 791.012.00 990.055.00
923.340.11A 4 2.07 47.63 12.8 58.3 8 541.004.00 791.012.00 823.340.11 990.055.00
923.350.11A 5 2.86 47.63 12.8 63 8 541.004.00 791.012.00 990.055.00