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Bowl and tray router bits
Bowl and tray router bits
Bowl and tray router bits
Bowl and tray router bits
Bowl and tray router bits
Bowl and tray router bits

Bowl and tray router bits


This CMT bit is ideal for making bowls, trays, boxes, cutting boards or any other specialty or craft item.
The round corner of the bit shapes the inner radius while the sides and bottom create the smooth flat surfaces.
We recommend using a top bearing for accurate  and easy pattern work.
Tips: use these bits on a table router with bearing guide for decorative edgework.
Item Code D I R L S Z MAT RH-LH Bearing Bearing 791.015.00 anello di serraggio Stop collar anello di serraggio Bearing Hex key Conical STEI screw
751.002.11B 19 16 6.35 54 6 2 HW RH 791.007.00 541.003.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
851.002.11B 19.05 16 6.35 54 6.35 2 HW RH 791.004.00 541.001.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
851.501.11B 19.05 16 6.35 60.4 12.7 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.011.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
851.502.11B 31.75 16 6.35 60.4 12.7 2 HW RH 791.015.00 541.002.00 991.056.00 990.005.00