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Adjustable double roundover router bits
Adjustable double roundover router bits
Adjustable double roundover router bits
Adjustable double roundover router bits
Adjustable double roundover router bits
Adjustable double roundover router bits
Adjustable double roundover router bits
Adjustable double roundover router bits

Adjustable double roundover router bits


Create awesome furnishing decorations with these new CMT bits! They provide a double 2mm (5/64”) and 3mm (1/8”) roundover profile on your wood panels easily and in a cost-effective way! Interchangeable shims are included to allow for different stock thicknesses according to the board. To be used on table-mounted routers. Avoid using these bits in hand-held power tools.
Item Code D T R L S R1 A 822.031.11 822.032.11 Arbor 824.137.00 Arbor 924.137.00 Shield for assembly 541.500.00 Anello distanziale 541.519.00 Bearing Anello distanziale 541.516.00 Nut Shield for assembly 541.501.00 Anello distanziale 541.518.00 Anello distanziale 541.515.00
800.622.11 34 11,1 ~ 31,8 3 100 12.7 2 822.031.11 822.032.11 824.137.00 541.500.00 541.519.00 791.037.00 541.516.00 990.020.00 541.501.00 541.518.00 541.515.00
900.622.11 34 31.7 3 100 12 2 45 822.031.11 822.032.11 924.137.00 541.500.00 541.519.00 791.037.00 541.516.00 990.020.00 541.501.00 541.518.00 541.515.00