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Moulding Bits
Moulding Bits
Moulding Bits
Moulding Bits
Moulding Bits
Moulding Bits
Moulding Bits
Moulding Bits
Moulding Bits
Moulding Bits

Moulding Bits


CMT’s new moulding bits allow you to shape elegant moldings with your table saw and router.
Unlike any commercially available crown mouldings, mouldings made with these bits are easy to install and create a finished appearance.
After shaping the cove, you can use special router bits with inverted profiles to create different edges and complete the moulding.
Item Code R D I L S Z MAT RH-LH Stop collar Bearing Hex key Conical STEI screw
967.001.11B 4 39.05 11.5 57 8 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.011.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
967.501.11B 4 39.05 11.5 57 12 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.011.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
867.501.11B 4 39.05 11.5 57 12.7 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.011.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
867.502.11B 4 54 11.5 65.9 12.7 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.011.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
967.502.11B 4 54 11.5 65.9 12 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.011.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
967.503.11B 6.35 60.5 17.3 71.7 12 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.011.00 991.056.00 990.005.00