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Dovetail router bits
Dovetail router bits
Dovetail router bits
Dovetail router bits
Dovetail router bits
Dovetail router bits
Dovetail router bits
Dovetail router bits
Dovetail router bits
Dovetail router bits

Dovetail router bits


The beautifully crafted dovetail joint is a classic that appeals to both professionals and novices alike.  
Shop Tips: Two passes are recommended when routing dovetails with a template. Check that the dovetails have been cut through completely and smoothly before removing the workpiece. For even easier routing and less stress on your dovetail bit, run the first pass with a straight bit. Use a dovetail on your router table equipped with a fence to achieve difficult chamfer angles.
Safety Tips: If the dovetail bit jams while working, adjust the position of the bit in the collet and ensure the cutting depth is appropriate. Do not lift the router out of the template.
Item Code Description D I L A S Z MAT RH-LH 791.010.00 791.009.00 anello di serraggio Stop collar 791.021.00 Hex key Conical STEI screw
818.087.11B 8.73 10.3 58 7 6.35 2 HW RH 791.009.00 541.001.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
818.098.11B For CMT-Enlock1 9.53 9.5 60.3 14 6.35 2 HWM RH 791.010.00 541.001.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
818.113.11B 11.11 19 66.7 7 6.35 2 HW RH 791.009.00 541.001.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
818.128.11B For CMT-Enlock1 12.7 12.7 52.4 14 6.35 2 HWM RH 791.010.00 541.001.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
718.127.11B 12.7 12.7 52.4 14 6 2 HWM RH 791.010.00 541.001.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
818.142.11B 14.29 9.5 50.8 14 6.35 2 HW RH 791.010.00 541.001.00 991.056.00 990.005.00
818.159.11B For HOFFMANN® 15.88 25.4 68.3 7 9.52 2 HW RH 541.006.00 791.021.00 991.056.00 990.005.00