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Dado & planer router bits
Dado & planer router bits
Dado & planer router bits
Dado & planer router bits
Dado & planer router bits
Dado & planer router bits

Dado & planer router bits


Constructed with thick carbide tips and downward shear angle design, CMT mortising bits give you flawless performance.
The negative shear angle of the cutting edges pushes the wood fibers down as they cut, allowing you to rout perfect hinge mortises with no splintered edges or rough bottoms. They also make an easy job on both natural wood and wood composites.
We offer bits to fit the most popular mortising jigs.
Item Code D I L S Z MAT RH-LH Bearing 791.015.00 anello di serraggio Stop collar Stop collar Bearing 791.020.00 791.025.00 Hex key
852.501.11B 19 9.5 63.5 12.7 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.011.00 991.056.00
852.001.11B 19.05 9.5 57 6.35 2 HW RH 791.004.00 541.001.00 991.056.00
952.001.11B 19.05 9.5 57 8 2 HW RH 541.004.00 791.034.00 991.056.00
952.501.11B 19.05 9.5 63.5 12 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.011.00 991.056.00
952.503.11B 31.75 15.8 70 12 2 HW RH 791.015.00 541.002.00 991.056.00
852.503.11B 31.75 15.9 70 12.7 2 HW RH 791.015.00 541.002.00 991.056.00
852.504.11B 38.1 15.9 70 12.7 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.020.00 991.056.00
952.504.11B 38.1 15.8 70 12 2 HW RH 541.002.00 791.020.00 991.056.00